Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I know this is a common topic today, but I think it is important to set goals rather than resolutions. I feel like goals have a higher probability of being achieved. They give you something to work for, and are often a little less vague. Here are my personal goals for 2013:

1. lose the weight: I keep telling myself that I need to eat better and start getting in shape. I am the only one standing in my way. I shouldn't only do it for me, but also to set good examples for others. I need to establish healthy habits now before we have children so they can see healthy lifestyles.

2. make our new house our home: there is going to be a lot of work to do once we get into our new house, but making it home will be the fun part. I can't wait to have friends over and enjoy the space with people we love.

3. learn something new:  I want to take a class or being reading non-fiction. I crave knowledge. I don't think I have the patience right now to go back for my masters, but until then I don't want to just let life slide by.

4.  travel: whether they are just small weekend/day trips, I want to go experience new places. There is so much out there, and while the couch is super inviting... its not good just sit there.

5. be less critical:  I often find myself being rather judgemental/critical of others.. it isn't that I mean to. I am just a perfectionist and I tend to see flaws everywhere. I need to start looking for the bright spots and the good in people/situations. I think I would be a lot happier if life wasn't experience through such a cynical point of view.

Here is to hoping that 2013 will be our year and bring us all a ton of happiness and love!


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