Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Dreaming of Spring...

The weather is freakishly warm here in Central Illinois for January.. 63 degrees today! Can you believe it???! Nope, neither can I, but I'll take it! 

So I was watching the Bachelor last night. Loving this season except for Courtney, "the model." Has anyone ever noticed how every single person that ever goes on that show is phenomenally fit? Seriously though, they all look like this:

Image via Pinterest
I'm beginning to wonder how long they have to work out to be able to come on the show? haha Kinda makes me jealous. It is definitely watching this that makes me thankful I'm finally getting serious about living a healthy lifestyle and working out regularly!

Did I mention that I am running a half -marathon in April? That's right, 13.1 miles of sheer agony. I still tend to have this hate-hate relationship (as my sister-in law would put it) with running. I used to love it, not so much anymore. I am hoping that changes sometime soon. Until then, I will keep on thumping away on that treadmill and staring at the images on Pinterest of what I can only hope to look like in a few months if this hard work pays off.

Until next time...


Monday, January 30, 2012

Hello World!

Hello All!

This is my first post, and I am new to the world of blogging. Of course I have been a major blog stalker for quite some time! I thought i may as well spend my time posting my ideas and thoughts instead of spending every moment online losing myself in other peoples' ideas. Well, here goes nothing.... I promise more amusing posts from here on out. I look forward to posting OOTD's, stories, fashion/beauty wishlists/reviews, recipes, and soooo much more.  =)
