Friday, October 19, 2012

Finally Friday...

It is finally Friday, and I could not be more excited...not that I have something special planned or anything, but that is exactly it. I have NO plans... that means I can do whatever I want or nothing at all. Bliss.

Today's outfit.. sorry about the bathroom photo.. I forgot to snap one before I left =/

Necklace: J.Crew, Dress: Target, Shoes: Tory Burch

Good Reads:

I am kind of a nerd, it's no secret and I absolutely love to read. Last fall I read A Discovery of Witches by: Deborah Harkness, and I pretty much devoured it. Then the sequel came out a few months ago. I began reading and quickly became uninterested... It seemed more like a history lesson than a story (don't get me wrong, being the nerd I am, I love history, but I would have picked a non-fiction). I was about 25% of the way through, and I am the type of person that simply cannot start another book while I am in the middle of another. I picked it back up this week and at about 30% I became hooked. seriously! I can't put it down now! It is called Shadow of Night. I really suggest the pair for someone who wants a good read. I believe there is a third and final book that is still to be released. Be prepared though that they are kind of lengthy and slow starting, but the meat of the story does not disappoint. I have a Halloweeny story waiting for me once I am done called Thirteen Hallows. Supposedly it is kind of gruesome... not so sure I am prepared for that.. haha!

Work it Out:

I like to work out, I am just lazy. That's no big secret. Therefore I find that sometimes I need a bit of motivation to get to the gym. Sometimes I find that new workout clothes give me a reason to want to go. Everyone swears by Lululemon workout clothes. Typically I stick with my tride and true Nike gear, because I know what I am getting for the price. A girlfriend of mine told me the pants completely suck you in and well frankly help you not to jiggle so bad. (You all know what I am talking about... ew.) So I was looking at the site, and kind of fell in love with these cute things.
My question is: How do you gals like the products? Fit, comfort, durability, etc? I would love to know!

Have a happy weekend!

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