Thursday, November 29, 2012


I am completely OCD when it comes to packing.. I make lists for my lists, and I pack a ton... seriously.. if it isn't bolted down, I want to put it in my suitcase. When you are travelling by plane you have size/weight restrictions, usually 50 lbs. This isn't my first rodeo cowgirls, so this time I am using space saver bags, yep, you heard me.. space savers.. go ahead laugh! But when you are packing puffy down coats, you will understand.

In addition, I found some great packing tips I thought I would share, since I know many people like to travel around during the holiday season.
This link to Real Simple has step by step:

However, here are my favorite tips from Martha Stewart... she knows everything!

OverlappingKeep delicate clothes from wrinkling by folding them around cushiony items like sweaters and knit shirts. Place the top half of a pair of pants in your suitcase, for example, smooth a sweater over that, and fold the pant legs up over the sweater. Never fold clothes more times than is necessary to fit them in a bag -- once across the middle should be enough for most sweaters and blouses.
RollingFill the corners of suitcases and duffels with clothes rolled into little sausages. This way you can distribute lots of items evenly throughout a small bag. This method saves the most space but is best for casual clothing -- blouses or blazers will rumple.
ToiletriesTo avoid leaks caused by pressure changes during air travel, fill travel-size plastic bottles partway, squeeze out excess air, and cap them, creating a vacuum. Then double-bag them, first in a cosmetics bag or large resealable plastic bag, then in a plastic shopping bag. Never pack toiletries in the same bag with clothes -- a single spill can cause great damage. Along with toiletries, your carry-on bag should hold your jewelry and other valuables; eyewear; a travel first-aid kit; travel documents; maps; and reading material.
ShoesTo protect shoes from scuffing and being crushed, stuff them with tissue or socks, and slip them into fabric show bags or plastic bags.
Do You Know?If you run out of space in your bag before you've packed everything, there's a way to get more in: Drop the bag on the floor a few times, then open it -- things will have settled, and you'll find extra room.


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