Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday Flash Backs...

Sometimes I just like to reminisce, and so I was doing so this week when I cam across some pictures from high school and college... I just had to share. They are comical to say the least...Isn't it strange how time flies, and how much we change?
Could I have caked any more makeup on!?, My best girl friends in high school, Showchoir (Mt.Zion Swingsations '03-'07) in LA

pink hair, scenester pics, senior prom, look at my hubby...awww lol.. poor guy- he was nearly out of college going to my silly prom
I just have no idea, Did I ever crawl out of the stinkin' tanning bed?!, and my poor hubby haha, show choir! (the bigger the hair, the smaller the hips! )

Sorry for the stroll down memory lane, but they were too funny not to share!

Well I am off for a week on vacation... but I will be back!


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