Friday, October 12, 2012

Fall Friday

Hey! Sorry I have been absent... it has been one of those weeks where people are gone at work and  I have plans after work most nights and by the time I get home my creative juices are just not flowing. No excuse, I know.. I need to start just stockpiling in advance for these situations, but I like the more organic, whatever comes to mind approch!

I have been loving some products lately and I just had to share. I have committment issues, especially with beauty products.. and I feel sorry for that.. but come on, there are so many to try and so little time ;) These are products that haven't let me down and I use them everyday!

1. Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream - $10 - I use this as a body moisturizer and on my face at night! Super gentle, and unscented.. perfect for sensitive skin and pairing with fragrances.
2. Neutrogena Oil Free Moisture - combination skin- $9 - Every morning, keeps me hydrated in the dry office, but keeps me from looking too shiny.
3. Chloe - Eau De Parfum - $115 - Not too floraly - girly but with a spicy note to it... good for every season!
4. La Vanilla - Pure Vanilla - $58 - all natural.. smells like vanilla yumminess (without smelling like a cake) - warm almost like sandalwood, and super long lasting.. lovely for those fall nights!
5. Essie Lollipop - $8 - perfect orangey bright red - channels J.Crew - enough said
6. Lancome Definicils Mascare - waterproof - $26.. only one that I found not to smudge and leave me looking like a pesky raccoon! - no lie.

There you have it, those are the products that I swear by and would recommend to anyone!

This weekend is some super fun stuff coming up. Tonight we are going to a pumpkin carving/painting party and a bonfire at a friend's house! how fun... I am thinking I want my pumpkin to to look like this:

Then tomorrow I got invited to an even our new local factory store is having... bless them!.. It's a New Collection Fashion Event and I am taking my mama... it should be a fun filled day of shopping! While I am on the subject, J.Crew launched their brand new factory site. Right now select items are 40% off! There are some great basic pieces there and some Merino sweaters that are very similar to the long sleeve crew neck cashmre tees (my fave.)

Then it is a charity even kind of evening on Saturday for a local club. The $100 dance.. steak dinner, open bar, and dancing.. oh yeah, and the opportunity to bring home $6500! woo! That would be nice :)

Well I hope you stylish ladies have a fantastic weekend. What are you guys doing this weekend?!


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