Friday, October 26, 2012

OOTD and the Weekend!

It's FRIDAAAAAY! (and yes, I totally announced that in my head like Oprah, don't judge)  This weekend is just packed with some fun stuff, and I can't wait. Saturday is the Illinois (Illini) homecoming game against Indiana, and you bet your booty I will be there with bells on.. well not bells, but a lot of Illini orange ! =) Then we are celebrating my seester in law's birthday by going out and doing something! Sunday it is bonfire and chili with my family to celebrate my lovely sister's birthday (weird but my sister and the Mr.'s sisters' birthdays are on the same day!!! haha)   We shall see how all of this plays out!

I know I have seen a lot of posts/pictures on the monochromatic looks this season, especially black on black - BIG FAN.. no really, big fan. I decided to change it up a bit and go with navy/black..I find it's a winning combo most of the time, so here is what I wore today! Once again.. sorry for the bathroom pic... not soo flattering..
Top: Target/Skirt: J.Crew/Boots: Kenneth Cole/ Bracelets: J.Crew
My girlfriend that lives in Denver snapped a shot yesterday of the front yard - 3 inches of that beautiful white fluffy snow! I'm a big fan of  autumn, cold weather and snow (just as long as I dont have to drive in it! yuck)...
I am getting serious ants in my pants for this trip!

I hope everyone has a super weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I love how that picture of you is taken in the bathroom, pretty sure at work. am I right? looove the outfit though!
