Monday, October 29, 2012

Weekend in a Nutshell

Yep, it's Monday again... that's ok though. I had a good weekend. The weather cooled off significantly this weekend, and I thought I was going to freeze to death (granted it was only like 50 - I'm a whimp).
Friday night was just me and the hubs and we decided to do it up right with pizza, breadsticks and a scary movie. (and an early bedtime) - everyone was happy.

Saturday we basically froze our booties off at the game! We ended up leaving just after the 3rd quarter because we were frozen, and the Fighting Illini really weren't fighting too hard to win.

Sunday I spent literally the entire day cooking.. no really, the entire day. We are beginning our 12 week plan today, and it is clean eating for us. I made turkey muffins, carrot cake protein bars, pumpkin protein bars, chicken breasts, tilapia, brown rice, veggies, then for dinner for the family I made chili, pumpkin cookies, and pumpkin pie dip.... I was worn out.

Here's the spread.... jeesh
After all of the posts on cleaning makeup brushes and things I have seen, I began to feel a bit guilty that mine have been neglected for far longer than they should have been... they look so pretty clean though!

Then Sunday night was spent by the fire with Pumpkin Ale, and s'mores. Andrew told me I looked like I was going trout fishing! haha, like he'd know... the trout fishing vest is completely different, and it has a lot of pockets!
I just thought I was dressed for the outdoorsy occasion..

Hope everyone has a Happy Halloweek!

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