Monday, October 22, 2012

yep... it's Monday again...

Ew... I feel sorry for Monday. I think it is the most dreaded day of the week, and I am guilty of harboring ill feelings towards it. Sorry Monday...

On a brighter note, I saw this and think of how true it really is...
"For one minute, walk outside, stand there, in silence, look up at the sky, and contemplate how amazing life is."

and then there's this... which pretty much sums up Monday through Friday for me:
It sure is.

Yeah so I wish I had something super fun/inspiring and eventful to share, but that really isn't the case. The truth about my weekend is I was lazy, really lazy. My bum barely left the couch. I finished a rather long book and read most of another... sad story.

I threw in a little Pinterest here and there (rough life, right?), but I did manage to find some good inspiration for my bedroom. Right now we rent a 2 bedroom/2 bathroom townhouse until we are ready to make the leap into home ownership(scary!) so I don't want to do anything to drastic considering it won't be permanent.

Right now we have black furniture, dove gray walls, and all white bedding...pretty pretty basic and boring.. so here are some of my thoughts.

My walls are just about the same color as the pic with the striped bench.  I think my first step is getting a headboard, but I am a bit skeptical as I know that our room size will change within the next year or so and it's an investment piece. So maybe I will start with some art, or something to put behind our bedside lamps.. I need opinions. Do you think that creams/tans go with the mixture of gray, white, and black?


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